N.K.Joshi & Co.

Since 1994

N.K. Joshi & Co.

N.K. Joshi & Co. Chartered Accountants was established in 1994 under Nepal Chartered Accountants Act, 2053 with the vision to provide quality assurance services and other professional services. Nature of such services, it specializes are Annual audit (Internal/external), tax audit, professional consultancy, financial review & analysis and preparation of operational & financial manual to the organizations established in Nepal. It is the only firm of Chartered Accountants in Nepal that has been concentrating its services in system and software development. During the course of system and software development, the firm has been regularly engaged with the client-base of Airlines, NGOs, INGOs, Financial Institutions, Manufacturing Industries and Trading organizations. The firm was established by Narayan Krishna Joshi, Chartered Accountant. Since its establishment, the firm has emerged as one of the top Chartered Accountants firm in Nepal and has been renowned in the market for providing quality and value added services to many organizations. The firm is currently managed under the leadership of Mr. Joshi, FCA.

Our Services


Assurance Service

We provide the various assurance services such as statutory audit, tax audit, Donor audit, and attestation service etc. which are of quality and add value to the organization.


Internal Audit

We provide internal audit services to different sectors’ clientele. Our service is basically oriented to identify and address various risks faced by today’s organizations in contemporary global market and also to strengthen the internal control system of the organizations.


Financial/Forensic Investigation

We provide a range of due diligence/financial review services for pre-acquisition assessment, forensic investigation, viability studies and appraisal of investment proposals along with financial monitoring of companies.


System Development & Implementation

We provide the service of information system development, Operational manual development & implementation thereof. Mr. Joshi himself is a developer of Finman Accounting software used by various organizations inside Nepal. Accounting Services



We deliver training course specially tailored to a broad range of organizations on a wide variety of topics such as Corporate Financial Reporting, Co-operative related training, taxation and management training.


Financial/ Salary /Market Survey

We also provide a service of financial/salary/market survey, with the aim to provide actual market information to assist in the decision-making.